Please become a Supporting Member of The SmallsLIVE Foundation with a tax-deductable donation to access this content.
Supporting Members directly benefit the musicians and the venues.
The SmallsLIVE Foundation for Jazz Art & Education is a not-for-profit arts organization.
Our mission is to subsidize the operation of our venues, recording projects, tours and educational initiatives.
During this Covid-19 pandemic our mission is to keep the clubs floating until business can be restored.
We will also sponsor live-streamed concerts from the club that will keep the musicians working during this period.
We will also be offering emergency aid for Jazz musicians in need due to this calamity.
The SmallsLIVE Archive is an audio/video library of all the shows at Smalls & Mezzrow.
Royalties are paid directly to the musicians by The SmallsLIVE Foundation.
Members sponsor their favorite musicians by listening to their music.
Live Stream
Smalls Jazz Club has been a pioneer in live streaming and began streaming shows live from the venue in 2007.
There is no cost to watch our live streams. During normal operating times the entire evening is streamed.
During this Covid-19 pandemic period there will be special live concerts scheduled in advance.
SmallsLIVE Catalog
The SmallsLIVE Catalog is a collection of individually produced artist projects.
SmallsLIVE Members may sponsor artists of their choice and receive their music as downloads or CDs.
Sponsorships directly support the artist.
This event will be available in the archive approximately on 07/22/2016.
Todd Marcus Jazz Orchestra
Archived on 07/08/16
Todd Marcus Jazz Orchestra
Archived on 07/08/16
Audio Only
Todd Marcus Jazz Orchestra
Bass clarinetist, composer, and bandleader Todd Marcus is one of the few jazz artists worldwide to focus their work exclusively on the bass clarinet.
Though use of bass clarinet in jazz typically leans heavily towards avant-garde and free-jazz styles, Marcus’ straight-ahead playing has carved out a unique voice for the instrument in modern jazz. His music swings hard with both a fiery and introspective intensity but also maintains a strong lyrical sensibility.
Based in Baltimore, MD, Marcus actively leads small ensembles such as the Todd Marcus Quartet, Trio, and Duo as well as his nine piece band The Todd Marcus Jazz Orchestra on original compositions and jazz standards.
Self taught in jazz theory and composition, Marcus’ compositions draw largely on straight-ahead jazz and classical influences but over recent years have increasingly explored Middle-Eastern sounds from his Egyptian-American heritage. His work includes international performances, clinics, and radio play and he has worked with other artists such as Bennie Maupin, Don Byron, Larry Willis, Ralph Peterson, Gary Thomas, Odean Pope, Tim Warfield, Sean Jones, George Colligan, Orrin Evans, Joel Frahm, Xavier Davis, and Mike Formanek.
Marcus' performances include national and international touring. He was a featured guest in 2005 at the World Bass Clarinet Convention in Rotterdam, Holland and more recently in Egypt at the 2015 Cairo Jazz Festival.
Marcus balances his music career by running Intersection of Change - a nonprofit addressing poverty related issues in his Baltimore neighborhood. The organization runs an art program providing children and adults with alternatives to drugs and violence, a recovery program for women overcoming drug addiction and homelessness, and has achieved significant community revitalization by renovating abandoned buildings and vacant lots.
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The minimum donation amount is $, all of which is paid to the musicians on this show.
You may choose to donate more. Anything donated over the minimum is divided by the musicians and the foundation.
Your name or dedication will be included on our site, in our newsletter and announced at the live concert.
You may also choose to make this sponsorship anonymously.
If you prefer to sponsor a band with a check or transfer, please contact us directly,