Please become a Supporting Member of The SmallsLIVE Foundation with a tax-deductable donation to access this content.
Supporting Members directly benefit the musicians and the venues.
The SmallsLIVE Foundation for Jazz Art & Education is a not-for-profit arts organization.
Our mission is to subsidize the operation of our venues, recording projects, tours and educational initiatives.
During this Covid-19 pandemic our mission is to keep the clubs floating until business can be restored.
We will also sponsor live-streamed concerts from the club that will keep the musicians working during this period.
We will also be offering emergency aid for Jazz musicians in need due to this calamity.
The SmallsLIVE Archive is an audio/video library of all the shows at Smalls & Mezzrow.
Royalties are paid directly to the musicians by The SmallsLIVE Foundation.
Members sponsor their favorite musicians by listening to their music.
Live Stream
Smalls Jazz Club has been a pioneer in live streaming and began streaming shows live from the venue in 2007.
There is no cost to watch our live streams. During normal operating times the entire evening is streamed.
During this Covid-19 pandemic period there will be special live concerts scheduled in advance.
SmallsLIVE Catalog
The SmallsLIVE Catalog is a collection of individually produced artist projects.
SmallsLIVE Members may sponsor artists of their choice and receive their music as downloads or CDs.
Sponsorships directly support the artist.
This event will be available in the archive approximately on 11/23/2016.
Dan Blake,Dave Liebman & The Digging
Archived on 11/09/16
Dan Blake,Dave Liebman & The Digging
Archived on 11/09/16
Audio Only
Dan Blake,Dave Liebman & The Digging
Featuring Special Guest David Liebman
Fresh from his release of The Digging (Sunnyside Records, 2016), Dan Blake returns to Smalls Jazz Club on November 9 at 7:30pm, this time joined NEA Jazz Master David Liebman. Liebman’s career has spanned over four decades, beginning in the early ’70s with his "apprenticeship" period performing and recording in the groups of drummer Elvin Jonesand Miles Davis. Since then, he has led a series of groundbreaking groups, including Lookout Farm and Quest. He is is currently Artist in Residence at the Manhattan School of Music (NYC).
Dan Blake has become one of the most adventurous emerging voices on New York’s jazz scene, having worked with Esperanza Spalding, Julian Lage, and Anthony Braxton, among others. Blake’s compositions extend the jazz tradition in new and often unexpected directions, as evidenced on his most recent release The Digging (Sunnyside Records), the band Mr. Liebman will join on November 9.
Rounding out the group will be veteran percussionist Pheeroan akLaff, with whom Blake has worked for over a decade in various projects, as well as the bassist Dmitry Ishenko, a longtime member of Blake’s trio and who shares another mentor, the legendary soprano saxophonist Steve Lacy.
Watch a trailer for the music here!
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You may choose to donate more. Anything donated over the minimum is divided by the musicians and the foundation.
Your name or dedication will be included on our site, in our newsletter and announced at the live concert.
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If you prefer to sponsor a band with a check or transfer, please contact us directly,